7 Tips to Optimize your sleep including Red Light Therapy

Sleep is the foundation of life. But, not all sleep is created equal. Quality sleep is crucial for health, energy, balance and longevity. Light plays a significant role in your sleep cycle. This is because of the effects is has on your circadian rhythms.

If your seeking longer, more restful sleep at night, here are 7 tips that can help optimize your sleep and having you feeling more refreshed when waking up.

Get Active
Our body’s activity level has its own circadian rhythm. Movement helps the body function properly as we are built to move. Exercise, is a vital part in helping the body sleep better and feel it’s best. Especially early in the morning or afternoon. This has profound effects on your sleep and how you feel later that day. Exercise promotes health by raising the body temperature which provides therapeutic benefits as the body re-establishes its normal temperature. This allows you to feel the relaxing effects that promote sleep.

Follow an Eating Routine and Don’t Eat Before Bed
What foods you consume is important, but when you eat is also vital. The foods we consume effect our bodies digestion and metabolism as they too follow a circadian rhythm. Similarly, to the sleep/wake cycle. [1] Your organs are hard at work while you sleep, processing fat and preparing your body for the next day. They work more efficiently when you eat at roughly the same time every day, helping to establish long-term rhythms. [2]. It takes your body on average 8-10 hours to process food. Anything that you consume prior to sleep will have an effect on the rest you receive. Its best to consume your last meal 2-3 hours before going to bed to allow your body to metabolize and digest. This will switch from creating stored fat to burning it throughout the night. [3]

Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine at Night
Caffeine is a potent stimulant that you should avoid beyond the early afternoon. At best, most people need hours to process caffeine, and overcome the shock of energy it gives your body. Avoiding caffeinated drinks can help you feel more ready for bed, especially if you have been consuming them in the late afternoon. While some may feel like drinking alcohol at night can make it seem easier to fall asleep, the truth is, it’s closer to sedation. Try to have your last drink of the evening with dinner so your body has time to process the alcohol or caffeine to have you falling asleep faster.

Keep Your Bedroom Temperature Cool
As we sleep, the human body decreases in temperature. During this process, our heart rate and breathing slow down to help regulate this temperature drop. You can provide your body with the maximum comfort if you set your rooms temperature between the 60-72 degrees range. Hot and stuffy rooms make it harder to get to sleep—and stay asleep. Remain cool at night and allow your body to unwind without waking up in a sweaty mess!

Shhhh..silence helps sleep!
This one is obvious: you sleep better when it’s quiet. Unfortunately, many people have subdued to the comfort of falling asleep to the computer or television playing in the background. This results in waking up half-way through the night to turn off the electronics and proceed with your sleep. This disrupts your circadian rhythm and makes it tougher for your body to process fat and recover properly at night. So, turn off those computers and smart devices and get the rest you deserve.

Healthy Light Intake is Essential for Better Sleep
The overexposure to blue light from our laptops, smart phones and televisions disrupt our bodies natural circadian rhythms. While we know that some kinds of light are better than others when it comes to your sleep quality, blue light is not one of them. The artificial, concentrated wavelengths from the over stimulation of new technology is a problem that many face. Blue light tricks the brain into thinking it’s time to be alert and awake. This is due to the very high colour temperature of the light. Limiting blue light before bed and allowing your body to unwind will surely help with a more peaceful, deeper sleep.


Kala Red Light Therapy for Enhanced Sleep
Red light therapy from a Kala device can not only counter the over-exposure to blue light that we face in a day, but is designed to enhance sleep and cellular balance. If you find yourself stuck inside working most days, or just simply cannot get enough sunlight each day, the soothing, therapeutic light from a Kala device can help you get the rest you are seeking. This will not only make it easier to fall asleep, but help stay asleep as well.

Using your Kala Mini can help provide targeted treatments first thing in the morning that provide portable light wherever your day takes you. Kala has both red and near infrared wavelengths that support healthy sleep and a balanced circadian rhythm.

You can find all the Kala devices here!



Sources and References:
[1] Konturek PC, Brzozowski T, Konturek SJ. Gut clock: implication of circadian rhythms in the gastrointestinal tract. J Physiol Pharmacol. 2011 Apr.
[2] St-Onge AP, Mikic A, and Pietrolungo C. Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality. Advances in Nutrition. 2016 Sept.
[3] Sleep Foundation. Stress and Insomnia.